Chudleigh Wild exists to build the resilience of our local wildlife through community actions to meet the threats of declining biodiversity and climate change. Our Vision is of a Parish and its people that are enriched by wildlife, where people enrich the natural world and help to safeguard it for the future.
Chudleigh Wild aims to:
share knowledge of the wonderful wildlife in the Parish of Chudleigh
raise awareness through events and activities that involve and motivate the community
encourage positive action by local residents to attract and sustain more wildlife in the town and Parish of Chudleigh
conserve and enhance our existing wildlife and local habitats, features and species populations, through working together and with others
survey and record what we have, holding and sharing our wildlife records with others
advise groups and individuals on biodiversity and land management for wildlife
monitor development proposals that may result in damage to important wildlife
be environmentally and socially aware and responsible in what we do
Recent successes have included:
an insect friendly bat garden off Rock Road
nature walks and talks
Swift nest-boxes on the Town hall and Globe Hotel
managed grass verges to increase the variety of flowers
planted trees, native bulbs and insect friendly plants in public areas
held bat evenings at Oldway Batfields
monitored bat flyways in the light of building developments
input to the Neighbourhood Development Plan